International Independent Film Awards

Winter 2025 IIFA

Final FF Deadline March 21st 2025






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International Independent Film Awards

The International Independent Film Awards is dedicated to showcasing and celebrating the many talented independent filmmakers and artists from around the world who share their visions in a powerful, creative and entertaining way.

The IIFA is looking forward to kicking off this Summer session by awarding many of the gifted, filmmakers, screenwriters and artist of our generation.  The Independent film community is without a doubt the backbone of the industry.  This is why it is so important for there to be opportunities for these independent geniuses to be recognized.  The International Independent Film Awards provides a tremendous amount of opportunities for filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, editors, composers, etc.... to receive the accolades they deserve within our numerous judging categories and awards levels.

There’s a total of 41 categories (15 primary and 26 creative) and 7 award levels.

Best Of Show Winner:

Will receive and Official IIFA Trophy an a guaranteed spot in our 2024 Summer Los Angeles screening schedule.

Diamond Winning Films and Videos:

Will receive award certificates and will be guaranteed a spot in our Summer Los Angeles screening schedule.

All other Winners (Diamond creative categories and all Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mentions):  Will receive digital award certificates and laurels, will be listed on their respective winners page.

All independent, underground, big and low budget projects of all genres  and topics are accepted.