International Independent Film Awards
International Independent Film Awards
Diamond Award Winners
(Summer 2024)
IS THAT YOU? by Debra Gussin, Rik Howard, Marcello Vieira - Original Song
ZURY Dir. by Thyrone Tommy - Actress In A Leading Role (Milcania Diaz-Rojas)
(Spring 2024)
Color by Joel Campbell - Original Score
Junga the Dancing Yeti in Yeti, Set, Go! Dir. by James R Alburger - Voice-Over
Junga the Dancing Yeti in Yeti, Set, Go! Dir. by James R Alburger - Narration
Junga the Dancing Yeti in Yeti, Set, Go! Dir. by James R Alburger - Concept
Junga the Dancing Yeti in Yeti, Set, Go! Dir. by James R Alburger - Animated Characters
(Winter 2024)
The Breath of Life: Dark Matter SCORE by Anna Gerasimova - Soundtrack
(Fall 2023)
Ego (Ava Della Pietra) by Ava Della Pietra - Original Song
Ego (Ava Della Pietra) Dir. by Adam Lukowski - Music Video
YOU'RE A HALO by Debra Gussin & Dale Effren - Original Song
(Summer 2023)
The Cottages by Erin Elizabeth Keefer - Screenplay - Diamond
(Spring 2023)
The Pickleball Killer by Jim Carroll - Feature Scripts
(Winter 2023)
StorytellHER: My Child Dir. by Akeem Mignott - Actress In A Leading Role (MELESSA VASSELL)
(Fall 2022)
Dream War Dir. by Kevin Barile - Stunts
Love Me X 3 Dir. by Erin Elizabeth Keefer - Feature Scripts
Sacred Sun by Michael Louis Gould - Feature Scripts
(Summer 2022)
Agent Heads Dir. by Ajay Varma Nandyala - Trailers
(Spring 2022)
Bon Appétit! Dir. by David Guo - Animated Visuals
Bon Appétit! Dir. by David Guo - Animated Characters
Bon Appétit! Dir. by David Guo - Animation
Bon Appétit! Dir. by David Guo - Original Song
Bon Appétit! Dir. by David Guo - Student Film
Dissension by Stacey Alan Spivey - Screenplay
For I Am Dead Dir. by Patricia Delso Lucas - Actor In A Leading Role (Al Nazemian)
(Winter 2022)
Hel, the last saga: The Series by Rapsodies SAS - Screenplay
Joan of Arc: The Series by Rapsodies SAS - Concept
LIFE- A True Blessing Dir. by VIJAY KUMAR DAS - Actor In A Leading Role (Ruthvik Reddy Kondakindi)
Sticking To The Life Plan by Viktoriia Olegovna Zykina - Feature Scripts
(Fall 2021)
The Mother, the Son, the Rat, and the Gun Dir. by Philip Larsen - Actor In A Supporting Role (Oliver Devoti)
The Sicken by Danny Alex - Feature Scripts
(Summer 2021)
Zeda The Hunter by Alexandru Ranta Gheorghe - Shorts Scripts
(Spring 2021)
Junga the Dancing Yeti Meets Heidi Dir. by Stephen Tako - Narration
Junga the Dancing Yeti Meets Heidi Dir. by Stephen Tako - Concept
Occupied Dir. by Alex Bates - Costume Design
The Wrath of the Reapers by Percy Lallemang - Screenplay
(Winter 2021)
All Blood Runs Red Dir. by Paul Mignot - Cinematography
The Lamplighter by Pamela Hanson - Screenplay
(Fall 2020/21)
Monster by Kurt Choate - Short Scripts
The Last Day of Paradise by Kiki Denis - Feature Scripts
(Summer 2020)
Metal Gear Solid by Agah Smith - Screenplay
Opposition Research by Tracy Schumer - Screenplay
(Spring 2020)
Indian Pink Dir. by Seewoo Kim - Actor In A Leading Role (Hyun Joong Kim)
(Winter 2020)
The Arcandiers Dir. by Manuel Sanchez - Actor In A Leading Role (Simon de La Brosse)
The Beacon Dir. by Chris Staehler - Sound Design/Editing
(Fall 2019)
And Suddenly It's Evening Dir. by Claudio Insegno - Narration
Dead man wait Dir. by Giorgio Molteni - Actor In A Leading Role (Gian Paolo Mai)
In your dreams by Arteta Stephane - Short Scripts
The Ecstasy of Demons by Percy Lallemang - Screenplay
(Summer 2019)
LAJJAWATI by Sumathy Ram & Charles Leopardo - Screenplay
The Flight of Souls by Guy Quigley - Screenplay
(Spring 2019)
A Four-Sided Bed by Elizabeth Searle - Feature Scripts
The Ribbon by Jonathan Galland - Original Score
(Winter 2019)
1944 by John Van Roekel - Short Scripts
AMERICAN GUINEA PIG: SACRIFICE by Alexander Cimini - Original Score
MADAGASIKARA Dir. by Cam Cowan - Cinematography
THE NORMANS Dir. by Maurice Micallef - Costume Design
(Fall 2018)
A Jungle Dark by Courtney Suttle - Television Pilots
Construct by Colin Aguiar - Original Score
Horse Up a Tree by Terry Lynam - Feature Scripts
To Hell And Back by Agnese Pagliarani - Screenplay
Turtle Taido in Osun and Kogi States Dir. by Artie Romero - Animated Characters
Unhooked by Shelly Paino - Short Scripts
Zaya Dir. by Susanne Serres - Cinematography
(Summer 2018)
Betrayed Dir. by Harley Wallen - Actor In A Leading Role (John Savage )
Betrayed Dir. by Harley Wallen - Original Score
Cage Dir. by Pantheras Freedman & Wenhao Gao - Choreography
Cage Dir. by Pantheras Freedman & Wenhao Gao - Stunts
Kommando 1944 Dir. by Derek Quick - Costume Design
Nora Ephron Goes To Prison Dir. by Hannah Elless - Title and Credit Design
Painted Sharks by Brian Lutes - Feature Scripts
The Isle Dir. by Matthew Butler-Hart - Directing
(Spring 2018)
Blue Skies On Mars by Flora Cheng - Original Score
Don by Alberto Battistutti - Feature Scripts
Every 21 Seconds Dir. by Kuba Luczkiewicz - Actor In A Leading Role (Shannon Brown)
Homefront the Revolution Dir. by Hugo Guerra - Commercials
Homefront the Revolution Dir. by Hugo Guerra - Digital Effects
Lion Mountain by Eric P Granger - Screenplay
The Secret Woman Dir. by Melinda Darlington-Bach - Choreography
(Winter 2018)
Cocopa by Giorgio Martignoni - Screenplay
Paradigm Shift by Katherine Fitzgerald - Shorts Scripts
Sprout Dir. by Haimeng Gong- Animated Visuals
Star Wars: Dresca Dir. by Jessica Champneys - Cinematography
Star Wars: Dresca Dir. by Jessica Champneys - Digital Effects
Star Wars: Dresca Dir. by Jessica Champneys - Editing
Star Wars: Dresca Dir. by Jessica Champneys - Original Score
Star Wars: Dresca Dir. by Jessica Champneys - Sound Design/Editing
Star Wars: Dresca Dir. by Jessica Champneys - Special Effects Make-up
The Final Blade Dir. by Willie Ying - Concept
(Fall 2017)
Family From Tang Dir. by Junhao Ma & Jingwei Zhou - Costume Design
Family From Tang Dir. by Junhao Ma & Jingwei Zhou - Production Design
Kyla's War - by Hank Isaac - Screenplay
Last Stop - by Tommy McInnis - Screenplay
No Turning Back - by Danny Phillips - Feature Scripts
Stoning the Jasmine - by Zaina Deeb - Feature Scripts
The Side Job - by Al Tevanyan - Shorts Scripts
The Terror of Hallow's Eve Dir. by Todd Tucker - Special Effects Make-up
Theatrum Magicum Dir. by Marcin Gizycki - Costume Design
(Summer 2017)
10/10ths Dir. by Marco Solorio - Cinematography
10/10ths Dir. by Marco Solorio - Original Score
90BPM by Alexander Cimini - Original Score
90BPM by Alexander Cimini - Soundtrack
(Spring 2017)
Albedo Absolute Dir. by Vlad Marsavin - Original Score
Allegro Scratch Dir. by José Alberto Cerrillo Soto - Cinematography
Amazing Things Happen Dir. by Alex Amelines - Narration
Apeiron Dir. by Philip Thomas Morelli - Concept
Emancipation Of Expressionism Dir. by Kenrick 'H2O' Sandy & Michael “Mikey J” Asante - Choreography
In The Shadow Dir. by Ferolyn Angell - Choreography
Just Within Reach Dir. by Anna Bamberger - Actress In A Leading Role (Estella Warren)
Just Within Reach Dir. by Anna Bamberger - Actress In A Supporting Role (Tami Roman)
Losing Life - Actor In A Leading Role (Fahad Olayan)
Red Krokodil by Alexander Cimini - Original Score
(Winter 2017)
Fags In The Fast Lane Dir. by Josh Sinbad Collins - Costume Design
Heart Brakers Dir. by Rodrigo Lopresti - Actor In A Leading Role (Rodrigo Lopresti)
Hyperloop Dreams Dir. by Kenji Harman - Cinematography
Living Idle Dir. by Ramana - Production Design
Non-Transferable Dir. by Brendan Bradley - Screenplay
Skin Of The Night Dir. by Ubeda Alexandre - Cinematography
Skin Of The Night Dir. by Ubeda Alexandre - Soundtrack
Sprinkles Dir. by Roger A. Scheck - Actress In A Leading Role (Brooke Lewis)
Taelius - The Second Quest Dir. by Vincent Raffaitin - Original Score
Taste Dir. by Jay Palmieri Jr. - Actress In A Supporting Role (Danielle Kronenberg )
True Colors by Scott Dissinger - Shorts Scripts
Yesterday Is Tomorrow Dir. by James C. Shahanshah - Actress In A Leading Role (Rachel Alig)
(Fall 2016)
Cat And Mouse by Bristol Mac Donald - Screenplay
Hindsight by Eric P. Granger - Screenplay
Jasmine Dir. by Dax Phelan - Cinematography
Jasmine Dir. by Dax Phelan - Original Score
Jasmine Dir. by Dax Phelan - Screenplay
Jasmine Dir. by Dax Phelan - Sound Design/Editing
The Exorcism Diaries Dir. by S.C. McCullough - Trailers
The Lurking Man - Actress In A Leading Role (Maritza Brikisak)
(Summer 2016)
Teleios Dir. by Ian Truitner - Digital Effects
Teleios Dir. by Ian Truitner - Original Score
The Light Thief Dir. by Eva Daoud - Editing
The Light Thief Dir. by Eva Daoud - Narrative Short
The Light Thief Dir. by Eva Daoud - Original Score
The Light Thief Dir. by Eva Daoud - Sound Design/Editing
(Spring 2016)
Blue Skies on Mars by Brian Lutes - Feature Scripts
False Start by Charles Laulette - Feature Scripts
Legacy by Dr. Angus Watts - Feature Scripts
Run For The Truth Dir. by Damien STECK - Cinematography
SGCH - Morgans’ Story Dir. by Stefan Wernik - Commercials
The Percy Harris Story Dir. by Brian Lutes - Original Score
The Tailor From Taegu and Mrs. Abernethy by Ruby Akin - Screenplay
Themes & Variations Dir. by Ziye Liu - Animated Visuals
This Modern Man Is Beat Dir. by Alex Merkin - Actor In A Leading Role (Jordi Vilasuso)
X Dir. by Jesper Skoubølling - Actor In A Leading Role (Xaver Hutter)
X Andrew Grant-Christensen - Cinematography
(Winter 2016)
AKATEWA by Jean-Marie MAZALEYRAT & Edith WOI - Screenplay
At the Edge of the Present Dir. by Roman Gerodimos - Narration
Real Buddy Dir. by Frank Mirbach - Cinematography
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Actor In A Leading Role (Casper Sloth)
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Actress In A Leading Role (Simone Lykke)
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Cinematography
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Digital Effects
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Directing
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Editing
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Narrative Short
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Original Score
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Production Design
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Sound Design/Editing
Zombiehagen Dir. by Jonas Ussing - Special Effects Make-up
(Fall 2015)
Apparition Dir. by Quinn Saunders - Actor In A Leading Role (Jody Quigley)
Chasing Light Dir. by Jessika Pilkes - Cinematography
Intersection Dir. by Tim French - Actor In A Leading Role (Hoyt Richards)
League of Legends / A New Dawn by Nicolas Alvarez - Original Score
SURKHAAB Dir. by Sanjay Talreja - Actress In A Leading Role (Barkha Madan)
The Pure Hearted Villain Dir. by Ramesh Aravind - Original Song (The Alter of God...Love!)
The Pure Hearted Villain Dir. by Ramesh Aravind - Original Song (The King Iraniyan's Play)
(Summer 2015)
Mining Moon Dir. by Brian Morelan - Make-up
My Lonely Me Dir. by Joe Scott - Actress In A Leading Role (Sabrina Dickens)
(Spring 2015)
Break The Rock Dir. by Michael O'Halloran - Trailers
Madness Dir. by Shannon Kholi - Cinematography
Madness Dir. by Shannon Kholi - Costume Design
Madness Dir. by Shannon Kholi - Production Design
Snowflake Dir. by Francesco Roder - Actress In A Leading Role (Ele Keats )
Snowflake Dir. by Francesco Roder - Actress In A Supporting Role (Tracy Middendorf)
(Winter 2015)
But I Am Not Dir. by Luigi Alberton - Trailers
Greece Dir. by Sarah Deakins - Actress In A Leading Role (Sarah Deakins)
(Fall 2014)
Black Raven Dir. by Aleksander Sakowski - Music Video
Hush! Girls Don't Scream Dir. by Pouran Derakhshandeh - Narrative Feature
IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN Dir. by Sanjay Patel - Narrative Short
Letterbox Dir. by Annabel Allison - Narrative Short
The Heat and the Cold War Dir. by Julie PERION - Music Video
Time Dir. by Elpida Panourgia - Animation
Witness My Journey Dir. by Steve Rogers - Documentary Feature
(Summer 2014)
Dreamalities Dir. by Damien STECK - Cinematography, Narrative
Elegy for a Revolutionary Dir. by Paul van Zyl - Narrative Short
Insentient Dir. by Sohale Dezfoli - Narrative Short
Punk Love Dir. by Marcos Mello - Experimental
The Teacher - Marine by Jeffrey Ryback - Feature script
Dreamalities Dir. by Damien STECK - Trailer
Fall 2024 IIFA
Final FF Deadline Dec. 20th 2024