International Independent Film Awards






Early Bird Deadline

Jan. 17th  2025

Primary Categories $35        Creative Categories  $35

Regular Deadline

Feb. 7th  2025

Primary Categories $40        Creative Categories  $35

Extended Deadline

Feb.  28th  2025

Primary Categories $45        Creative Categories  $35

Final Deadline

March  21st  2025

Primary Categories $50        Creative Categories  $35

Notifications will be sent out via email on March 28th  2025

Narrative Short

Between 1-45 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Narrative Feature

Between 45-180 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Documentary Short

Between 1-45 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Documentary Feature

Between 45-180 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Primary Categories

Experimental Film

Between 1-90 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)


Between 1-120 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Student Film

Between 1-120 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Music Videos

Between 1-30 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)


Between :30 seconds - 10 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Television Pilots

Between 1-75 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)


Between 1- 60 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Cell Phone Made Films

Between 1 - 120 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)


Between :30 seconds - 10 Minutes

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Feature Scripts

Between 45 -180 Pages

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Short Scripts

Between 1 -45 Pages

(All Genres and Topics Accepted)

Creative Categories

Actor Leading Role

(Please indicate which role is to be judged)

Actress Leading Role

(Please indicate which role is to be judged)

Actor Supporting Role

(Please indicate which role is to be judged)

Actress Supporting Role

(Please indicate which role is to be judged)

Production Design

Sound Design/Editing

Costume Design



(Please indicate talent to be judged)


(Please indicate talent to be judged)


SFX Make-Up




Digital Effects



Title and Credit Design

Original Song

(Please indicate talent to be judged)

Animated Visuals

Animated Characters




Original Score

Category Judging

Each Category of submission will be judged and have the opportunity to be awarded with one of our 7 award levels (Best Of Show, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mention).  Projects showing exceptional creativity and talent in their respective categories will be honored.  All entries will not be selected as winners.  However, the IIFA does provide a tremendous amount of opportunities for filmmakers and artist to receive accolades for their work within our numerous judging categories and award levels.

Best Of Show Winner:  Will receive and Official IIFA Trophy and a guaranteed spot in our Los Angeles screening schedule.

Diamond Winning Films and Videos:  Will receive award certificates and will be guaranteed a spot in our Los Angeles screening schedule.

All other Winners (Diamond creative categories and all Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mentions):  Will receive digital award certificates and laurels, will be listed on the respective winners page on our site and will be eligible to obtain an IIFA trophy.


*You may have multiple entries and submit to multiple categories.

*Each entry and submission category must have its own submission fee.

*If Mailing a DVD: please label your disc with: Title, Director, Submission Categories, Runtime and email address.  Also include

  a check or money order made payable to:  International Independent Film Awards.

*Make sure all packages are postmarked by by the appropriate deadline.

*We accept NTSC and PAL DVD formats

*Submission in other than English must have subtitles

*Works in progress are accepted

*Films, videos and scripts can be from any year

*Please include a self-addressed stamped postcard with each entry if you want confirmation of receipt.

We do not confirm receipt by telephone or email.

*Entry Fees are in $USD

*Entry fees are non-refundable.

*Entries will not be returned.

*No press kits are required for the initial submission process

*Screening Theater will be announced closer to the notify date.

Direct Submission

We strongly recommend that filmmakers submit to us using the powerful and free submission tools of .  However, if you prefer to submit directly to us you can do so.  Please make sure you label your disc with: Title, Director, Submission Categories, Runtime and email address.  Also include a check or money order made payable to:  International Independent Film Awards. Make sure your submission is postmarked by the respective deadline date.  If you prefer to pay by credit card, your only option at this time is to submit through .

Our mailing address is:

International Independent Film Awards

17412 Ventura Blvd. #33                                                Or

Encino, CA 91316

Winter 2025 IIFA

Final FF Deadline March 21st 2025